Da qualche anno raccolgo via whatsapp e via mail le recensioni dei miei clienti, sia italiani che stranieri.
Causa alcuni episodi negativi accaduti con stranieri di passaggio a Milano, da alcuni anni non accetto più appuntamenti stranieri.
Giovanni is top Male Masseur in Milan.
Californian and Tantric massage are the best.
Da molto tempo volevo provare un tantra erotico su Milano e prima di conoscere Giovanni ho avuto purtroppo delle brutte esperienze. Annunci che proponevano sedute tantriche ma che in realtà erano dei banali massaggi con masturbazione finale...Giovanni è molto professionale, ti accoglie in un elegante studio dove già all'ingresso ti senti a tuo agio. Una seduta veramente al top! Tecniche di stimolazione corporee che ti fanno andare fuori di testa. Avevo provato sedute simili anche a Parigi e Madrid ma non erano così intense come questa.
Ti invio questa recensione anche se, come ben sai, sono un cliente affezionato.
Alla prossima.
This was my first experience. Giovanni is so welcoming that any apprehension you might have about nudity, or sexuality, melts away in a heartbeat. In fact the opposite happens, it is so freeing, and liberating you wonders why on earth you never tried this before. The experience is unique in that your cares exit the building; you surrender to relaxed bliss while becoming increasingly aroused to the point of experiencing one of the best orgasmic releases you’re likely to. You float back to whence you came. Giovanni approach of blending holistic, Reiki, tantric, and sensuality levels all barriers, caring for you as a whole energetic emotional being, so the result is every aspect that is you is treated to bliss. Something we all need.
Hi Giovanni, I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for the massage, it was truly incredible! On an emotional level, I felt my heart open as I started to release the pain that has been stored there over many years; it’s such a liberating experience. Physically, my orgasm was so intense and completely different to anything I’ve ever felt before and considering I’ve never been able to climax when stimulated by a man; it really says a lot about your level of skill! I feel a lot more connected to myself and more compassionate.
Giovanni is exactly as he presents himself in his ad. Extremely welcoming and professional.
He created a massage experience for me that was deeply personal and satisfying.
He is confident and intuitive. I felt he was responding to my body, not just following a set plan. Very generous spirit.
I am just responding to the fabulous treatment I received on Friday, my whole body was still tingling when I got home, I felt so relaxed and at peace with the world, cannot thank you enough and I certainly shall return.
I was very nervous about the sensual massage before the event, thank you for putting me at ease straight away, This was my first time man to man sensual massage, Giovanni was amazing, very friendly and relaxed me in no time. The whole massage was mind blowing, and I have even booked to come back next week, I would definitely recommend it
It was a beyond excellent!! Everything and more than expected in every detail. The best massage in my long life. No part of my body was not attended to. Exremely professional with a very charming Guy. All exactly as described on the website. Thank you Giovanni, I will be back.”
Many thanks Giovanni for our precious time together. I felt connected to you straight away; you are an exquisite Tantric Practitioner, a beautiful human being with so much skill and compassion. Thank you for allowing this perfect stranger into your sacred sanctuary. Knowledgeable manner you proffer your love and advice speaks volumes to your passionate devotion to being a Spiritual Healer
The Tantric massage and chakra balancing was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. My issues around personal power in giving and receiving love were stuck in fear and pain. Your ability to free up energy and open me up to change was powerful. I am hoping to see you very soon
Hi Giovanni, just want to thank you for yesterday’s wonderful sensual/erotic massage. I appreciated your gracious welcome, and the way you created safe space for our session. I will definitely come back.
Giovanni sei un vero professionista. Ci rivedremo presto.
Mario C.
Professionale ed educato. Un bel daddy bear al quale potersi affidare per un vero tantra erotico.
Paolo Z.
A Milano per lavoro, prima di lasciare la città mi sono imbattuto nel sito di Giovanni. Ho prenotato in giornata una sessione tantra alla quale ho abbinato anche una depilazione intima che volevo fare da molto tempo. Che dire: professionale nel massaggio e nella parte estetica. Finalmente un vero studio olistico, elegante e pulito, con un'accoglienza TOP!
Fabio P.
During a trip to Milan for a few days, I booked a massage with Giovanni. A great guy, a great massage and a great way to de-stress & relax. Next time in Milan see you again Giovanni & hopefully it will be much sooner this time.
Tony F.
Had a fantastic massage from Giovanni just before Xmas, wow what a fantastic experience, and what a help it was to my body after a few games of rugby, sure helped with those knots. I was a easy right from the start and made to feel welcome and Giovanni was a friendly chap and would definitely visit again. Best wishes.
Andy R.
Based on description of service and reviews on craigslist.org, I booked a massage with Giovanni and found the atmosphere perfect for relaxation...the sight, sound
and aroma.
Peter S.
Ho conosciuto Giovanni circa un anno e mezzo fa. Premetto che sono bisex e con la mia compagna avevo un problema di eiaculazione precoce probabilmente dovuto allo stress. Ho prenotato 4 sedute di tantra per un periodo piuttosto breve e devo riconoscere che il mio problema si è notevolmente attenuato. Indipendentemente dal fattore "terapeutico" della seduta, Giovanni è molto professionale, ha un bel modo di fare, ti fa sentire "accolto" per tutta la durata del trattamento. Oggi prenoto il suo tantra per puro piacere...lo consiglio vivamente.
Mario S.
I went to Giovanni for a trim of chest and torso plus a clip of hair in my 'intimate area' of cock and balls. I was very pleased with the whole experience. He has all the kit, knows what he's doing, listens to what you want and is very keen to ensure that you leave happy that he's taken enough off. I woudn't hesitate to recommend him. Thanks mate.
John L.
"Es una lástima que tu servicio no incluya penetración. Es lo unico que le falta para ser una experiencia ideal”.
Pablo R.
Visitando il sito di Giovanni mi ha incuriosito quello che lui definisce Daily Wellness. Mi sono concesso questo lusso: ho preso un giorno di ferie ed ho prenotato la giornata: 6 ore di relax e piacere dove si alternano trattamenti olistici ed erotici. Quando sono uscito dallo studio è stato come se avessi trascorso una giornata alle terme: niente piscina, niente acqua, sauna, ecc. Solo la professionalità ed il tocco di Giovanni. Costa un po', ma ne vale la pena.
Dario G.
Persona seria, professionale e attento ai propri clienti. Grande disponibilità e riservatezza. Rapporto "qualità/prezzo" eccezionali!
Samuele D.
Thanks for great massage, can move neck, got feeling back in foot and even managed to walk round block with use of crutches this afternoon. Next time visiting Milan I'll book tantra session. Huge thank you.
Paul B.
La prima volta sono andato da Giovanni per un trattamento olistico e sono rimasto molto contento. Ho voluto provare anche il suo tantra.....che dire...una bomba!!! Bravo Giovanni
David L.
"¡Te necesitaría más cerca y a diario!"
Que lástima...no vivo en Milan.
Gonzalo F.
This is the second Tantra Erotic massage that I've had with Giovanni and they really do get better and better. The erotic part was mind blowing, I found him to be very friendly, welcoming and pleasant and felt very relaxed in his company. The whole experience was very professional and if you were to be quite nervous about this kind of thing then with his expertise at putting you at ease, those nerves will quickly vanish. I could not recommend highly enough. I hope to be back soon.
Jonathan F.
Sono un nudista di 60 anni "convinto" ed ho conosciuto Giovanni tramite un sito di nudisti. Ho partecipato alla naked oasis del mercoledì sera dove ho provato una bella esperienza. Avrei preferito che gli altri partecipanti fossero miei coetanei, invece tutti più giovani. Voglio provare anche le sedute tantra e i trattamenti olistici. Bel modo di coinvolgere le persone.
Beppe G.
Thanks Giovanni, great all over trimming and waxing, expertly done, the best I've had. It made me feel great about myself, and am again very presentable to whoever wants to see me. Best tantric experience in Milan. Recommended!!!
William G.
I have visited Giovanni 3 times now - each time gets better. On my last visit I started with a wax of crack, balls and shaft. This was my first waxing experience and was comfortable. Giovanni is easy to talk to and we talked about many items (from the Brexit vote as this was the morning after to more intimate topics transitioning seamlessly). I had expected it to be painful, but it was not which I put down to Giovanni's skill. I was very pleased with the overall result and still smooth 2 weeks later. The time is worth the results.
The tempo then changed as we moved in to the massage portion and Giovanni is very thorough and comfortable with intimate contact. He did wear T-shirt and shorts for the waxing, but they were quickly removed allowing for full body contact. We had good mutual interaction and Giovanni was able to mix erotic elements in to a normal massage using all his body.
Overall, it was a good experience and unfortunately I had to leave for a work appointment - though I did get 3 releases during the massage - I have had 4 on previous visits. Next time I will shoot for more and book a longer appointment.
I'll definitely be back.
Martin F.
"Vivo en Milan hace 11 meses y te pido siempre el mismo masaje, nunca me he aburrido. Bajo tus manos y tu cuerpo siempre me has hecho revivir la sensación de sorpresa y de descubrimiento de tu primer masaje. Quiero agradecerte por ser tan cercano, tan creativo y tan discreto."
Carlos A.
Son un nudista e mi piace avere il corpo depilato, anche e soprattutto nelle parti intime. Fino a qualche tempo fa mi facevo depilare da un'amica con la quale avevo una buona confidenza ma da quando ho conosciuto Giovanni, mi faccio depilare solo da lui. Utilizza prodotti professionali e per le parti intime la pasta di zucchero. Anche se non è un estetista , devo riconoscere che nella depilazione corpo e intima è molto bravo. Unica pecca è che non posso fare solo la ceretta, in quanto non essendo un cliente abituale devo abbinare sempre un trattamento olistico o tantrico. In ogni caso...è sempre un piacere!!!
Carlo F.
Sono cliente di Giovanni da oltre 2 anni ed ho provato di tutto: dal massaggio di gruppo alla naked oasis, olistico, tantra, ecc. Ogni seduta è un vero piacere, lui è un vero professionista. Grazie ai suoi abbonamenti ho la possibilità di frequentarlo spesso risparmiando sui costi ed ora è nata anche un'amicizia. Grazie Giovanni .
Simone B.